Editorial Discussion and Analysis - Sleepy Classes IAS Skip to main content


Editorials comprise an extremely important part of not just the day’s newspaper, but also of the overall preparation for the UPSC Civil Services.

We, at Sleepy Classes, have an initiative that covers the entire newspaper in great detail, viz. Daily Newspaper Discussion, in which we discuss the day’s newspaper in context of UPSC Civil Services Preparation, keeping both Prelims and Mains in mind.

However, we felt that the Editorials, in both The Hindu and The Indian Express, are so rich in information and analysis that more time needs to be devoted in discussing them. After all, understanding issues and writing them with clarity is the crux of the UPSC Civil Services Mains exam.

So, to be able to spend more time in discussing Editorials with you, in order to help you understand them better, we have started a new series of lectures called Editorial Discussion and Analysis.

This will run alternately with Daily Newspaper Discussion (playlist link), which, instead of every day, will now run on alternate days along with the Editorial Discussion and Analysis.

Needless to say, the DND will now start to cover two days of news in one single lecture. That will also help us have a more holistic take on the news.

This is to ensure that we cover every single aspect of the day’s newspapers, The Hindu and The Indian Express, in as great detail and depth as possible, in order to deliver maximum benefit to you, our students.

What and How?

Under this series, we will discuss Editorials and Op-Ed pieces from The Hindu and The Indian Express, every alternate day, covering all editorials relevant for UPSC (duh), of those two days.

So, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays we will have Editorial Discussion and Analysis, at 5 PM, instead of Daily Newspaper Discussion.

Tuesdays we will discuss Editorials of Monday and Tuesday; Thursdays -> Wed and Thur; Saturdays -> Fri and Sat

It will be a recorded lecture series, to begin with, and may or may not be altered to a Live lecture series, as the series progresses.

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