The course focuses on covering the static component, current affairs components and test series required for acing the UPSC Civil Services Prelims Exam 2021.
The course has 3 components:
- Static Component: This aspect focuses on all the relevant concepts and updates a candidate is supposed to know that have happened till May-2020.
The entire Static Course is made available to the enrolled candidate on the very first day (that is, on 15th January 2021). The student is expected to complete (or know) the videos before starting with the Current Component of the course.
- Current Component: This aspect focuses on all the relevant concepts and updates a candidate is supposed to know that have happened after May-2020.
The Current Component will follow a daily schedule.
Each day has been allocated a subject and an associated topic to cover the current affairs related with the said topic.
The Current Affairs component will begin on 15th February 2021 and will continue till 15th May 2021.
The detailed schedule is attached in the Current Component section of the course.
- Prelims Test Series: The test series contains 25 Tests that are designed to holistically prepare a candidate for Prelims 2021.
The tests include sectional as well as complete tests that are designed to accurately measure a student’s preparedness for the exam.
The detailed test schedule is available in the Test Series section of the course.