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Punjab PCS 2025: Next 8 Weeks Strategy To Clear PPSC Prelims

Thursday, 27th February 2025 – 4PM

Limited Seats Available

15Days 21Hours 55Minutes 28Seconds
PPCS 27FEB PPT Punjab PCS, pcs punjab, punjab pcs syllabus, punjab pcs exam 2023, punjab pcs judiciary result

Cracking Prelims in Punjab PCS Can Be Very Challenging. Only a Strong Foundation in GS is a Prerequisite to Score High in Prelims

Actual Cost: ₹999/-

Join for FREE

Join an Enlightening LIVE Session with Kuber Singh (SME International Relations & Essay) & Dr. Manmeet Kaur (Co-Founder – Sleepy Classes IAS) – Prepare like India's Top Administrative Officers – Because You're on the Path of Becoming One!

Facing Difficulty in Preparing for Punjab PCS Prelims?

  • How Similar is the PCS Pattern compared to UPSC?
  • How Many Months of Current Affairs to Study?
  • ⁠How Much Importance Do Punjab Current Affairs Hold?
PPSC LOGO WHITE Big Punjab PCS, pcs punjab, punjab pcs syllabus, punjab pcs exam 2023, punjab pcs judiciary result
  • Which Books are Best to Follow for GS & CSAT?
  • Should I prepare for UPSC and PPSC Separately?
  • How High Can the Cut-Off Be This Year?

We've Got You Covered!

What All Will You Learn?

The Importance of PYQs

Mastering the Art of Revising PYQs Confidently

Addressing the Gaps Between Average Score and Cut–Off

Understanding Strategies To Attempt Prelims in Order To Score Above The Expected Cut–Off

Differentiating Between UPSC & PPSC Pattern

Understanding The Demand of The Examinations With Special Reference to The Difference In Syllabus

Importance of High Yielding Topics For PPSC Prelims

Quick Revision Guide To Brush The Big Four

Importance of Demographic Data And Eco–Survey

Learning The Art of Summarising Key Points And Data To Score Above The Expected Cut–Off

Importance of Rote Learning With Conceptual Clarity

Applying a Synthesis of Rote Learning & Conceptual Clarity for Prelims

How Do I Join this Workshop?

Just Follow this Simple 3-Step Process to Embark on your Journey to Geography Excellence!

Step 1
Fill Up The Form

Step 2
You Will Receive a Confirmation E-Mail

Step 3
The Link Will be Sent to You on the Day of the Workshop

Actual Cost: ₹999/-

Join for FREE

Know Your Mentor

Manmeet Punjab PCS, pcs punjab, punjab pcs syllabus, punjab pcs exam 2023, punjab pcs judiciary result

Dr. Manmeet Kaur, Co-Founder of Sleepy Classes IAS, is a seasoned mentor with over 10 years of experience guiding UPSC and State PCS aspirants. As a senior subject matter expert in Environment and Disaster Management, she brings a wealth of knowledge to her students.

Having appeared in three UPSC interviews herself, Dr. Manmeet understands the intricacies of the exam process and imparts intelligent, time-saving strategies to confidently clear each stage. Her background as a dentist adds a unique dimension to her approach, further demonstrating her diverse skill set and commitment to education.

Kuber Punjab PCS, pcs punjab, punjab pcs syllabus, punjab pcs exam 2023, punjab pcs judiciary result

Kuber Sir is an Engineer by education, and a highly analytical person by design – he always tries to simplify and structure things in a framework.

He believes that if you follow a proper approach, even a difficult path can be made easy.

In this Workshop, Kuber Sir will help you think and approach things in a manner which helps you learn and retain information for the examination

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will this workshop help me in building a foolproof Punjab PCS strategy?

Yes, the workshop is oriented towards giving you tips to make a concrete plan of action to complete your Punjab PCS Preparation.

Is this a Paid Workshop?

No, it’s a completely free workshop to help you have a complete strategy to cracking Punjab PCS Prelims

Will there be any recommended study materials or books provided during the workshop?

Yes, we will offer suggestions for useful study materials and books that can aid in your PPSC preparation.

Is this workshop suitable for newcomers to Punjab PCS, or is it more advanced?

This workshop caters to individuals of all proficiency levels, whether you’re a newcomer or an experienced Punjab PCS aspirant.

Are there any prerequisites or specific requirements for joining the workshop?

There are no prerequisites or specific requirements to participate in the workshop. It is open to all interested students.

Is there a specific focus on time management strategies for Punjab PCS within the workshop?

Yes, we will also take discussion on how to manage Punjab PCS Prelims GS Preparation along with CSAT and PPSC Mains.