Top UPSC Coaching Institutes in Chandigarh: Why Sleepy Classes Stands Out - Sleepy Classes IAS Skip to main content

Top UPSC Coaching Institutes in Chandigarh: Why Sleepy Classes Stands Out

Preparing for the UPSC exams is a challenging journey that requires dedication, strategic planning, and the right guidance. Chandigarh, known for its excellent educational facilities, offers a plethora of coaching institutes to help aspirants achieve their IAS dreams. Among these, Sleepy Classes stands out for its innovative approach and comprehensive programs. This article highlights the top UPSC coaching institutes in Chandigarh, with a special focus on why Sleepy Classes is a preferred choice for many.

Key Takeaways

  • Sleepy Classes offers comprehensive and strategic guidance for UPSC Mains, helping aspirants achieve greater marks and success.
  • The institute provides specialized programs in Sociology and PSIR optionals, along with GS Mains coaching programs.
  • Courses emphasize analytical skills and answer writing, supported by video lectures, doubt-clearing sessions, and continuous assessments.
  • Sleepy Classes has been instrumental in the success stories of many UPSC toppers, providing in-depth teaching, study material, and interactive learning sessions.
  • The institute offers flexible learning options, a supportive community, and hands-on guidance, making it a top choice for UPSC aspirants.

1. Sleepy Classes

Sleepy Classes has emerged as a popular choice for IAS aspirants in Chandigarh, thanks to its innovative teaching methods and extensive online resources. The institute offers personalized coaching, regular test series, and well-structured study materials to ensure students excel in the UPSC exams. Their cutting-edge approach and impressive results set them apart.

Flexible Learning Options

Sleepy Classes provides flexible online coaching options, allowing students to learn at their own pace and convenience. The online platform includes recorded lectures, live sessions, and interactive doubt-clearing sessions.

Affordable and Accessible

Unlike many other coaching institutes, Sleepy Classes offers affordable courses without compromising on quality. They believe in making quality education accessible to all aspirants, regardless of their financial background.

Comprehensive Course Offerings

Sleepy Classes offers a wide range of online courses covering all stages of the UPSC exam, from Prelims to Mains and Interviews. Their courses are meticulously designed to cater to the varying needs of aspirants.

Expert Faculty and Quality Content

The faculty at Sleepy Classes comprises seasoned educators and subject matter experts. Their high-quality video lectures and study materials simplify complex topics and enhance understanding.

At Sleepy Classes, we’ve played a pivotal role in the success stories of countless UPSC toppers and students. Our programs are crafted to provide not just information, but a strategic understanding that aligns with the demands of the exam.

Specialized Programs

Sleepy Classes offers specialized programs in Sociology, PSIR Optionals, along with their GS Mains Coaching Programs. These courses emphasize analytical skills and answer writing, supported by video lectures, doubt-clearing sessions, and continuous assessments.

Success Stories

For instance, Medha Anand (AIR 13, UPSC CSE 2023) found our Sociology Mains Course instrumental in her preparation and helped her improve her rank to get into the IAS.

Why Join Sleepy Classes?

  • Closely curated study plan
  • Continuous mentorship
  • Consistently updated content
  • Supportive community
  • Hands-on guidance

Let Sleepy Classes help you gain access to the tools and support you need to become the next UPSC topper.

2. Chanakya IAS Academy

Chanakya IAS Academy is a well-known name for IAS coaching in Punjab. The institution guarantees comprehensive UPSC exam preparation by providing professional advice, organized study plans, and regular test series. Various students have been helped in achieving their IAS goals by their knowledgeable faculty and interactive teaching methods.

Why Choose Chanakya IAS Academy?

  1. Experienced Faculty: The academy boasts a team of experienced mentors who provide constant support and conduct regular doubt-clearing sessions.
  2. Comprehensive Study Material: They offer extensive study materials that cover all aspects of the UPSC syllabus.
  3. Regular Test Series: Frequent tests help students gauge their preparation levels and identify areas for improvement.
  4. Holistic Approach: The academy focuses on developing a holistic approach to the IAS examination, ensuring students are well-prepared for all stages of the exam.

Chanakya IAS Academy stands out due to its commitment to nurturing aspiring civil servants through a structured and supportive learning environment.

3. Raj Malhotra’s IAS Coaching

Raj Malhotra’s IAS Coaching in Chandigarh is renowned for its exceptional faculty and comprehensive study programs. The institute has garnered a stellar reputation, with a student review rating of 4.9 out of 5. This high rating reflects the quality of education and mentorship provided by the coaching center.

Key Features

  • Experienced Faculty: The coaching center boasts a team of highly qualified and experienced educators who are dedicated to helping students excel in their UPSC exams.
  • Comprehensive Study Material: Students have access to well-structured and detailed study materials that cover all aspects of the UPSC syllabus.
  • Personalized Mentorship: The institute offers personalized mentorship programs to address the unique needs and challenges of each student.
  • Regular Assessments: Frequent tests and assessments help students gauge their progress and identify areas for improvement.

Student Reviews

Raj Malhotra’s IAS Coaching Centre in Chandigarh has very good faculties. A student review for Raj Malhotra IAS Coaching Institute is 4.9 out of 5. If we talk about the quality of education, it is top-notch.


Raj Malhotra’s IAS Coaching stands out for its commitment to student success through quality education, personalized mentorship, and continuous assessment. If you are looking for a reliable and effective coaching institute in Chandigarh, Raj Malhotra’s IAS Coaching is a top choice.

4. Abhimanu IAS

Abhimanu IAS is a prominent name in the field of UPSC coaching in Chandigarh. With 23 years of experience, this institute has established itself as a reliable coaching center in North India. The institute offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers all aspects of the UPSC examination, ensuring that students are well-prepared for every stage of the process.

Key Features

  • Experienced Faculty: The faculty at Abhimanu IAS comprises seasoned educators who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom.
  • Comprehensive Study Material: Students are provided with detailed study materials that cover the entire UPSC syllabus.
  • Regular Assessments: The institute conducts regular tests and assessments to monitor the progress of students and identify areas for improvement.
  • Personalized Guidance: Abhimanu IAS offers personalized mentorship programs to cater to the individual needs of each student.

Success Stories

Abhimanu IAS has a proven track record of producing successful IAS candidates. Many of its alumni have gone on to secure top ranks in the UPSC examination, making it a preferred choice among aspirants.

Abhimanu IAS has 23 years of experience as the best IAS coaching centre in Chandigarh and Mohali and is considered North India’s most reliable coaching centre.

5. Simran IAS Academy

Simran IAS Academy is a well-regarded coaching institute in Chandigarh, known for its commitment to providing top-notch facilities to help IAS aspirants excel in their UPSC journey. The academy offers a range of courses tailored to meet the individual needs of students, including specialized weekend classes to cater to working professionals. The faculty at Simran IAS are nothing short of exceptional. They are not only highly knowledgeable but also have a unique way of simplifying complex concepts, making learning more accessible and effective for students.

6. Stellar IAS Academy

Stellar IAS Academy is a prominent name among the top IAS coaching institutes in Chandigarh. Known for its student-friendly approach, the academy offers a range of courses tailored to meet the individual needs of aspirants. The faculty at Stellar IAS Academy is highly experienced and dedicated to providing comprehensive guidance to help students excel in their IAS exams.

Key Features

  • Experienced Faculty: The academy boasts a team of seasoned educators who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom.
  • Personalized Mentorship: Students receive one-on-one mentorship to address their unique challenges and strengths.
  • Comprehensive Study Material: The study material is meticulously curated to cover all aspects of the IAS syllabus.
  • Regular Assessments: Frequent tests and assessments help students gauge their progress and identify areas for improvement.

Courses Offered

Course Name Duration Fee
General Studies 1 Year ₹1,20,000
Optional Subjects 6 Months ₹60,000
Test Series 3 Months ₹20,000

Stellar IAS Academy is committed to helping aspirants achieve their dreams of becoming civil servants by providing a supportive and enriching learning environment.

7. Dronacharya IAS Academy

Dronacharya IAS Academy in Chandigarh is a well-regarded institution for UPSC preparation. It has been an amazing experience with Dronacharya, full of learning and growth. The academy is known for its dedicated faculty who are committed to providing quality education and personalized attention to each student. This has helped many aspirants become more conscious towards their studies and achieve their goals.

Key Features

  • Experienced Faculty: The teachers at Dronacharya are highly qualified and bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the classroom.
  • Comprehensive Study Material: The academy provides well-structured and detailed study materials that cover all aspects of the UPSC syllabus.
  • Personalized Attention: With a focus on individual student needs, the faculty ensures that each aspirant receives the guidance they require.
  • Regular Assessments: Frequent tests and evaluations help students track their progress and identify areas for improvement.

Student Reviews

“It has been an amazing experience with Dronacharya, full of learning and I have become more conscious towards studies because of the teachers. They not only teach but also mentor us throughout the preparation journey.”

8. O2 IAS Academy

O2 IAS Academy with its state-of-the-art curriculum has been a leader in IAS coaching in Chandigarh. The success of their students in the exam over the last few years speaks volumes about their commitment to excellence. Their Super 50 Batch is particularly noteworthy, offering personalized attention and tailored study plans to ensure each student’s success.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive study material
  • Experienced faculty
  • Regular test series and performance analysis
  • Focus on individual student needs

O2 IAS Academy’s focused approach and personalized guidance have led to a growing number of students achieving success in the Civil Services Examination.

9. Anil Narula’s IAS Study Center

Anil Narula’s IAS Study Center in Chandigarh is a top-tier institution providing comprehensive coaching for UPSC aspirants. The institute is renowned for its experienced faculty and personalized mentoring, which ensures that each student receives the attention they need to excel. The center offers meticulously crafted study plans that cover both prelims and mains preparation, making it a one-stop solution for all UPSC needs.

Key Features

  • Experienced Faculty: The faculty at Anil Narula’s IAS Study Center includes experts who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the classroom.
  • Personalized Mentoring: Each student receives personalized guidance to help them navigate the complexities of the UPSC exam.
  • Comprehensive Study Plans: The study plans are designed to cover the entire syllabus, ensuring that students are well-prepared for both prelims and mains.
  • Focus on Answer Writing: Special emphasis is placed on developing analytical skills and answer writing, which are crucial for success in the UPSC exams.

Courses Offered

Course Duration Fees
General Studies 1 Year ₹1,20,000
CSAT 6 Months ₹60,000
Optional Subjects 6 Months ₹50,000

Anil Narula’s IAS Study Center stands out as a premier coaching institute in Chandigarh, committed to nurturing the potential of each student and helping them achieve their IAS dreams.

10. Divine IAS Academy

Divine IAS Academy is eminent for its comprehensive study materials and one-on-one coaching. The institution ensures that students are well-prepared for the UPSC exams by emphasizing personal attention and conducting frequent evaluations. A well-known option for applicants in Punjab, Divine IAS Academy boasts knowledgeable faculty and an empowering environment.

Divine IAS Academy has one of the best coaching available for aspirant civil servants in Chandigarh, costing not more than INR 1 to INR 1.5 lakhs. The academy provides extensive study resources, a reliable test series, and individualized mentorship to ensure students are adequately prepared for the UPSC exams. They approach education holistically, making sure that students receive a well-rounded preparation.

Fee Structure

Course Fees (INR)
UPSC Coaching 1 lakh to 3 lakhs

Batch Size

Minimum Maximum
20 100

Additional Information

  • Google Reviews: 4.1 out of 5 stars (100 reviews)
  • Past Year Results: Best past year results
  • Notes Provided: UPSC Coaching Notes


In conclusion, Chandigarh offers a plethora of options for UPSC aspirants when it comes to coaching institutes. However, Sleepy Classes stands out due to its comprehensive and strategic approach to UPSC preparation. With specialized programs in Sociology and PSIR, along with a strong emphasis on analytical skills and answer writing, Sleepy Classes has proven to be instrumental in the success of many UPSC toppers. The institute’s flexible learning options, expert faculty, and continuous assessments make it an ideal choice for serious aspirants. Whether you are looking for in-depth teaching, interactive learning sessions, or continuous mentorship, Sleepy Classes provides all the tools and support needed to excel in the UPSC exams. Join Sleepy Classes for a learning experience that not only prepares you for the exam but also helps you achieve your dream of becoming a top-ranked civil servant.

Frequently Asked Questions


What makes Sleepy Classes stand out among UPSC coaching institutes in Chandigarh?

Sleepy Classes stands out due to its innovative approach to UPSC preparation, offering comprehensive and adaptable online coaching. Their programs emphasize analytical skills and answer writing, supported by video lectures, doubt-clearing sessions, and continuous assessments. This flexibility makes it ideal for students who prefer to study at their own pace.

What specialized programs does Sleepy Classes offer?

Sleepy Classes offers specialized programs in Sociology and Political Science & International Relations (PSIR) optionals, along with their General Studies (GS) Mains Coaching Programs. These courses are designed to provide in-depth teaching, study materials, and interactive learning sessions.

How have Sleepy Classes’ programs helped past UPSC toppers?

Sleepy Classes has played a pivotal role in the success of many UPSC toppers. Their strategic understanding and comprehensive teaching methods have proven successful for past toppers. For instance, Medha Anand (AIR 13, UPSC CSE 2023) found their Sociology Mains Course instrumental in her preparation.

What learning options are available at Sleepy Classes?

Sleepy Classes offers flexible learning options, including video lectures, doubt-clearing sessions, and continuous assessments. These options allow students to access study materials and lectures at their convenience, making it easier to balance preparation with other commitments.

Where can I access Sleepy Classes’ courses?

Sleepy Classes’ courses can be accessed through their web platform at Additionally, all courses are available via their iOS and Android mobile apps, providing students with the flexibility to study anytime, anywhere.

What support does Sleepy Classes provide to UPSC aspirants?

Sleepy Classes provides a supportive community, continuous mentorship, and consistently updated content that caters to the dynamic nature of the UPSC exam. Their hands-on guidance and closely curated study plans help students excel in their preparation and achieve top ranks.