In case of Emergency Commissioned/Short Service
Commissioned Officers (For age relaxation only) :- In accordance with the provisions of the G.O. No. 22/10/1976-karmik-2-85, dated 30-1-1985 Emergency Commissioned/Short Service Commissioned Officers who have not been released from Army but whose period of Army service has been extended for rehabilitation, may also apply for this examination on the following conditions:
(A) Such applicants will have to obtain a certificate of the competent authority of Army, Navy, Air Force to the effect that their period of Service has been extended for rehabilitation and no disciplinary action is pending against them.
(B) Such applicants will have to submit in due course a written undertaking that in case they are selected for the post applied for, they will get themselves released immediately from the Army Service. The above facilities will not be admissible to Emergency/ Short Service Commissioned Officers, if:-
(a) he gets permanent Commission in the Army,
(b) he has been released from the Army on tendering resignation,
(c) He has been released from the Army on grounds of misconduct or physical disability or on his own request and who gets gratuity.
7. MARITAL STATUS:– Male candidates who are married and have more than one wife living and female candidates who have married a person already having a wife shall not be eligible unless the Hon’ble Governor has granted an exemption from this condition.
8. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION:- The candidates must possess Bachelors Degree of any recognised University upto the last date for receipt of application. This must be mentioned by the candidate in the relevant column of their application form but for some posts specific qualifications have been prescribed, details of which are given below:-
Posts of Specific qualifications through written examination and interview
Sr. No. |
Name of Post |
Qualification Required |
1 |
District Administrative Officer |
Post-graduate Degree from a recognized University in India or an equivalent degree recognized by the Government. Preferential: Diploma or Degree in Public Administration. Candidates with Territorial Army service (minimum 2 years) or NCC “B” Certificate will get preference. |
2 |
Labour Enforcement Officer |
Bachelor’s Degree in Economics, Sociology, or Commerce. Preferential: NCC “B” Certificate or Territorial Army service. |
3 |
Food Safety Officer |
Bachelor’s Degree in Food Technology, Dairy Technology, Biotechnology, Oil Technology, Agricultural Science, Veterinary Sciences, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Chemistry (Post Graduate Degree), or Medicine. After selection, candidates must complete training as per Food Authority norms. No candidate with financial interests in the food industry is eligible. |
4 |
Assistant Director/District Audit Officer/Senior Lecturer (Local Fund Audit Dept.) |
Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from a recognized university with working knowledge of Hindi in Devnagari script. Preferential: NCC “B” Certificate or Territorial Army service. |
5 |
Sub Registrar |
Law Graduate with working knowledge of Hindi in Devnagari script. Preferential: NCC “B” Certificate or Territorial Army service. |
6 |
District Health Education and Information Officer |
Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science/Journalism with knowledge of Hindi in Devnagari script. |
7 |
Assistant Commissioner & Assistant Registrar (Cooperative) |
Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce or Economics or Agriculture or Law. Preferential: NCC “B” Certificate or Territorial Army service. |
8 |
District Audit Officer/Assistant Director (Cooperative Societies & Panchayat Audit) |
Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce or Economics or Statistics. Preferential: NCC “B” Certificate or Territorial Army service. |
9 |
Assistant Labour Commissioner |
Bachelor’s Degree in Law or Labour Law. Preferential: NCC “B” Certificate or Territorial Army service. |
10 |
Assistant Commissioner, Industries (Enforcement) |
Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, or Industrial).Preferential: NCC “B” Certificate or Territorial Army service. |
11 |
Assistant Research Officer |
Master’s Degree in Chemistry (50% marks minimum). Preferential: NCC “B” Certificate or Territorial Army service. |
12 |
Assistant Prosecution Officer (Transport) |
Bachelor’s Degree in Law (LLB) from a recognized University. Preferential: NCC “B” Certificate or Territorial Army service. |
13 |
Technical Assistant (Chemistry) |
Master’s Degree in Chemistry (Physical, Organic, Analytical). Preferential: NCC “B” Certificate or Territorial Army service. |
Note – (1) The candidates must possess all the requisite qualifications upto the last date for submitting the applications.
(2) भारत में विधि द्वारा स्थापित विश्वविद्यालय की स्नातक उपाधि & समकक्ष अ्हता के संबंध में जारी शासनादेश संख्या-03/2023/312/47-का-2-312 एलसी/2022, दिनांक 19.07.2023 का प्रवर्तनीय अंश निम्नवत् है
(3) -उपर्युक्त समस्या के निवारण के संदर्भ में सम्यक् विचारोपरांत निम्नवत् निर्णय लिये गये हैं:-
- ऐसे प्रकरणों में जहां तकनीकी प्रकृति के पद किसी विभाग की सेवा नियमावली में विद्यमान है तथा उनके लिए सामान्य स्नातक की अर्हता के स्थान पर कोई विशिष्ट अहता एवं उसके सकमक्ष अरहता अथवा किसी विशिष्ट शाखा व उपशाखा में स्नातक एवं उसके समकक्ष संगत नियमावली में निर्धारित की गई है, वहां विहित अर्हता के समकक्ष अहता का निर्धारण संबंधित विभाग द्वारा किया जायेगा |
- उक्त बिन्दु संख्या-1 से आच्छादित प्रकरणों को छोड़कर जिस किसी विभाग की नियमावली में अर्हता सामान्य स्नातक और उसके समकक्ष अर्हता निर्धारित की उक्त के संबंध में निम्नानुसार कार्यवाही सुनिश्चित की जाय:-
- केन्द्र अथवा किसी राज्य सरकार द्वारा विधि द्वारा स्थापित किसी विश्वविद्यालय /डीम्ड विश्वविद्यालय अथवा संस्थान द्वारा अध्ययन की किसी भी शाखा में यदि स्नातक की उपाधि प्रदान की गई है तो उक्त समस्त उपाधियाँ | स्नातक के रूप में मान्य होगी |
- मानव संसाधान विकास मंत्रालय (शिक्षा मंत्रालय), भारत सरकार द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त विभिन् न व्यवसायिक निकायों / संस्थानों द्वारा संचालित तकनीकी पाठ्यक्रमों में प्रदान की गई स्नातक.स्तर की उपाधियाँ, मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय (शिक्षा मंत्रालय) तथा अखिल भारतीय तकनीकी शिक्षा परिषद (AICTE) द्वारा समय-समय पर निर्गत दिशा-निर्देशों के अधीन रनातक के समकक्ष मान्य किये जायेंगे |
- किसी प्रकार के असमंजस की स्थिति में केन्द्र सरकार / संबंधित राज्य सरकार /विनियामक निकायों सेए जैसी भी स्थिति हो, संबंधित आयोगों द्वारा जानकारी प्राप्त की जा सकती है
- उपर्युक्त समतुल्यता केवल उ०प्र० राज्य में लोक सेवा आयोग / अधीनस्थ सेवा आयोग एवं अन्य भर्ती संस्थानों द्वारा सेवा-नियमावलियों में विहित स्नातक एवं समकक्ष अर्हता के लिए मान्य होगा |”
Under the Assistant Conservator of Forest / Range Forest Officer Services Examination.
For the Post of Assistant Conservator of Forest:-
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: A Bachelor’s degree with at least one of the subject namely Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Geology, Forestry, Statistics or a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from a University established by Law in India or a Foreign University approved by the Central Government from time to time, or a qualification recognised by the Government as equivalent thereto.
PREFERENTIAL QUALIFICATION: A candidate who has (1) served in the Territorial Army for a minimum period of two years, or (2) obtained a “B” certificate of N.C.C. shall other things being equal, be given preference in the matter of direct recruitment.
ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION: A Bachelor’s Degree with two or more of the subjects, namely Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Forestry, Geology, Agriculture, Statistics, Horticulture and Environment or Bechelor’s Degree in Agriculture or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Bachelor’s degree in Veterinary Science from a University established by Law in India or possess a qualification recognized by the Government as equivalent thereto.
PREFERENTIAL QUALIFICATION: A candidate who has: (1) Served in the Territorial Army for a minimum period of two years, or (II) Obtained a ‘B’ Certificate of National Cadet Corps, or (III) Represented the state in any game, shall, other things being equal, be given preference in the matter of direct recruitment.
Note:- Relevant Service Rules of Related Posts are given in Appendix-7
Note:- The candidates must possess all the requisite qualifications upto the last date for submitting the applications.
9. Physical Measurement:- Physical Measurements will be applicable according to Service Rules/requisitions, in case of availability of posts e.g. Dy. Superintendent of Police, Superintendent of Jail, District Commandant Home Guards, Excise Inspector, District Youth Welfare and Pradeshik Vikash Dal Officer Deputy Jailor, and Assistant Conservator of Forest / Range Forest Officer which is mentioned as below:-
For the post of D.S.P.
Category of Candidates |
Height (cm) |
Chest (cm) Unexpanded |
Chest (cm) Expanded |
General, OBC, SC (Male) |
165 |
84 |
89 |
ST (Male) |
160 |
79 |
84 |
General, OBC, SC (Female) |
152 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
ST (Female) |
147 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Minimum weight for female candidates |
40 kg |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
For the post of District Commandant Home Guards
Category of Candidates |
Height (cm) |
Chest (cm) Unexpanded |
Chest (cm) Expanded |
Male |
165 |
84 |
89 |
ST |
160 |
79 |
84 |
For the post of Superintendent of Jail
(i) Height 168 cm and in the condition of candidates of kumayun and Gadhwal Divisions not less than 163 cm.
(ii) Chest 81.3 cm. (unexpanded) and 86.3 cm. (expanded)
(iii) Vision – 6/6
For the post of Excise Inspector
Category of Candidates |
Height (cm) |
Chest (cm) Unexpanded |
Chest (cm) Expanded |
Male |
167 |
81.2 |
86.2 |
Female (SC/ST) |
147 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Other Female Candidates |
152 |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
For the post of Deputy Jailor
Category of Candidates |
Height (cm) |
Expansion of Chest (Minimum) (cm) |
Chest Measurement (cm) (Unexpended) |
Male Candidates |
168 |
81.3 |
05 |
Female Candidates |
152 |
Weight: 45 to 58 kg |
In the case of a Candidate belonging to Scheduled Tribes the measurement of height shall be as under:-
Male – 160 cms. | Female – 147 cms.
For the Post of District Youth Welfare and Pradeshik Vikash Dal Officer
Category of Candidates |
Height (Minimum) (cm) |
Chest (cm) Unexpanded |
Chest (cm) Expanded |
Scheduled Tribes Candidates |
160.0 |
76.5 |
81.3 |
Candidates Residing Permanently in Hill Areas |
162.6 |
76.5 |
81.3 |
Other Candidates |
167.7 |
78.5 |
83.5 |
Category of Candidates |
Height (cm) |
For candidates residing permanently in hill areas and Scheduled Tribes
147.0 |
Other Candidates |
152.0 |
(A) For the Post of Assistant Conservator of Forest:-
(1) No candidate for direct recruitment shall be appointed to the service unless he/she possesses the minimum standard for height and chest girth as specified below:-
Sex |
Height (cm) |
Chest girth (cm) (Fully Expanded) |
Expansion (cm) |
Male |
163 |
84 |
5 |
Female |
150 |
79 |
5 |
Provided that the minimum height standard in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes and to races such as Gorkhas, Nepalies, Assamese, Meghalayan Tribal, Laddakhese, Sikkimiese, Bhutanese, Garhwalies, Kumaunies, Nagas and Arunachal Pradesh candidates, shall be as follows:-
Sex |
Height (cm) |
Male |
152.5 |
Female |
145.0 |
(2) The male candidates will be required to qualify in walking test of 25 kms. to be completed in Four hours and female candidates of 14 kms. to be completed in Four hours. The arrangement for conducting this test will be made by the Chief Conservator of Forests, Uttar Pradesh so as to synchronise with the sittings of the Medical Board.
(B) For the post of Range Forest Officer:-
(1) No candidate for direct recruitment shall be appointed to the service unless he/she possesses the minimum standard for height and chest girth as specified below:-
Sex |
Height (cm) |
Chest girth (cm) (Fully Expanded) |
Expansion (cm) |
Male |
163 |
84 |
5 |
Female |
150 |
79 |
5 |
Provided that the minimum standard of height in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Tribes and to races such as Gorkhas, Nepalis, Garhwalis, Kumaunies shall be as follows:-
Sex |
Height (cm) |
Male |
152.5 |
Female |
145.0 |
(2) The male candidates will be required to qualify a walking test of 25 kms. to be completed in Four hours and female candidates of 14 kms. to be completed in 4 hours.
The arrangement for conducting this test will be made by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Uttar Pradesh so as to synchronise with the sittings of the Medical Board.
For Assistant Conservator of Forest:
(1) No candidate shall be appointed to a post in the service unless he/she be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his/her duties. Before a candidate is finally approved for appointment by direct recruitment he/she shall be required to pass an examination by a Medical Board.
(2) A female candidate who as a result of test is found to be pregnant of Twelve weeks duration or more should be declared temporarily unfit. She should be re-examined for fitness after Six weeks from the date of confinement.
For Range Forest Officer:-
(1) No candidates shall be appointed to a post in the service unless he/she be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his/her duties. Before a candidate is finally approved for appointment he/she shall be required to pass an examination by a Medical Board.
(2) A Female candidate who as a result of test is found to be pregnant of twelve weeks duration or more should be declared temporarily unfit, She should be re-examined for fitness after six weeks from the date of confinement.
Note:- Candidates before applying for the above mentioned posts should ensure himself/herself that he/she possesses the above physical standard.
The reservation for Scheduled Castes of U.P. / Scheduled Tribes of U.P./Other Backward Class candidates of U.P./Economically Weaker Section candidates of U.P. shall be admissible in accordance with the provisions of relevant Govt. Rules.
Similarly, reservation for horizontal cantegories as Dependents of Freedom Fighters of U.P, Female candidates, Ex-Servicemen of U.P., P.H. of U.P. and Outstanding sports persons of U.P. shall be admissible on settlement of vacancies as per rules. Reservation for P.H. of U.P. shall be permissible for the notified / identified Posts.
- उ0प्र0 के समाज के दिव्यांग अभ्यर्थियों के लिए शासन द्वारा अधिसूचित (चिन्हित) किये गये पदों पर चयन के सम्बन्ध में जारी कार्यालय ज्ञाप सं0-5,/2022,/18,/1,// 2008 / 47 /का-2,/ 2022, दिनांक- 18 अप्रैल, 2022 के बिन्दु-5 (अनारक्षित रिक्तयों पर नियुक्ति) में प्राविधान निम्नानुसार किया गया हैः- दिव्यांगता से ग्रस्त व्यक्तियों के लिए उपयुक्त चिन्हित किये गये पदों में दिव्यांगता से ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को किसी अनारक्षित रिक्ति पर नियुक्ति के लिए प्रतिस्पर्धा करने से मना नहीं किया जा सकता है अर्थात् दिव्यांगता से ग्रस्त व्यक्ति को किसी अनारक्षित रिक्ति पर नियुक्त किया जा सकता है| बशर्तें कि पद संगत श्रेणी की दिव्यांगता से ग्रस्त व्यक्तियों के लिए चिन्हित किया गया हो |
- शासनादेश संख्या-39 रिट/का-2/2019, दिनांक-26 जून, 2019 द्वारा शासनादेश संख्या-18,/1/99/ ‘का-2,/2006, दिनांक-09 जनवरी, 2007 के प्रस्तर-4 में दिये गये प्राविधान, ‘यह भी स्पष्ट किया जाता है कि राज्याधीन लोक सेवाओं और पदों पर सीधी भर्ती के प्रक्रम पर महिलाओं को अनुमन्य उपरोक्त आरक्षण केवल उत्तर प्रदेश की मूल निवासी महिलाओं को ही अनुमन्य है’, को रिट याचिका संख्या-11039/2018 विपिन कुमार मौर्या व अन्य बनाम उत्तर प्रदेश राज्य व अन्य तथा सम्बद्ध 6 अन्य रिट याचिकाओं में मा0 उच्च न्यायालय, इलाहाबाद द्वारा दिनांक- 16.01.2019 को अधिकारातीत (ULTRA VIRES) घोषित करने सम्बन्धी निर्णय के अनुपालन में शासनादेश दिनांक- 00.01.2007 से प्रस्तर-04 को विलोपित किए जाने का निर्णय लिया गया है। उक्त निर्णय शासन द्वारा मा0 उच्च न्यायालय के आदेश दिनांक-16.01.2019 के विरूद्ध दायर विशेष अपील (डी) संख्या-475,//2019 में मा0 न्यायालय द्वारा पारित होने वाले अन्तिम निर्णय के अधीन होगा |
- ई.डबल्यू.एस श्रेणी के अभियार्थियों द्वारा उनकी श्रेणी का प्रमाण – पत्र कार्मिक कार्यालय – ज्ञाप सं॰ – 1/ 2019 / 4 / 1 / 2002 / का – 2 / 19 टी ॰ सी ॰ – 1। दिनांक 10.02.2019 के अनुरूप आवेदन करने के वर्ष के पूर्व वर्ष का ही मान्य होगा।
The Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Class, Economically Weaker Sections (E.W.S.), Dependents of Freedom Fighters, P.H., Outstanding sports persons, Skilled players of classified games and Ex-Servicemen candidates who are not the permanent residents of U.P. shall not be given the benefit of reservation/age relaxation.
Candidates of any reserved category of U.P., if they want the benefit of reservation, must mention their category/ subcategory (one or more than one, whichever) in the column related to O.T.R. because all the personal information will be automatically displayed in the application form from the O.T.R.
The Candidates claiming for the benefit of reservation/age relaxation must obtain, in support of their category a certificate issued by competent authority on the proforma available in Appendix-1 of this detailed advertisement and shall submit the same to the Commission when asked for.
Candidates claiming reservation/Age relaxation in more than one category will be entitled to only one concession, whichever is more beneficial to them.
In case of women candidate, the caste certificate issued from father side only will be treated valid.
It is mandatory for the candidates to enclose self-attested copies of all the certificates along with the application forms of Main Examination in support of the claims made by them in their application forms of Preliminary Examination regarding eligibility and category/sub category, failing which their claim shall not be entertained.