Mastering Number Series: Key Techniques and Practice Questions - Sleepy Classes IAS Skip to main content

In this session, we delve into the fascinating world of number series, a crucial component of reasoning tests. This guide is tailored for those targeting the CSAT 2025, providing a step-by-step approach to solving number series questions effectively. Let’s explore some key techniques and practice questions to enhance your skills.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the logic behind number series is essential for solving them efficiently.
  • Practice regularly with different types of number series to improve your problem-solving speed and accuracy.
  • Pay attention to patterns involving multiplication, addition, subtraction, and powers.

Analyzing Number Series Patterns


The first step in mastering number series is to identify the pattern. Let’s consider the following series:

1161, 299, …

  1. Identify the Pattern: Notice that 299 is close to 300, and 1161 is close to 1200. This suggests a multiplication pattern.
  2. Apply the Pattern: Multiply 299 by 4 to get 1196, then subtract 7 to get 1189.
  3. Continue the Pattern: The next step involves multiplying by 3 and subtracting 8. Thus, 1189 * 3 – 8 = 3567 – 8 = 3559.

So, the next number in the series is 3559.

Exploring Cube Differences


Consider another series:

192, 70, …

  1. Identify the Differences: The difference between 192 and 70 is -122, which is -5 cubed.
  2. Apply the Cube Pattern: The next difference should be +6 cubed (216). Therefore, 70 + 216 = 286.

So, the next number in the series is 286.

Combining Squares and Cubes


Let’s analyze a more complex series:

49, 216, …

  1. Identify the Pattern: The first number is 7 squared, and the second is 6 cubed.
  2. Continue the Pattern: The next number should follow the pattern of decreasing bases and increasing powers. Thus, 5 to the power of 4 = 625.
  3. Next Step: Following this logic, the next number should be 4 to the power of 5 = 1024.

So, the next number in the series is 1024.

Practice Question


Try solving this series on your own:

2, 8, 18, …

Identify the pattern and find the next number. Share your answer in the comments section, and we will discuss it in the next session.


Mastering number series requires practice and a keen eye for patterns. By understanding the underlying logic and practicing regularly, you can significantly improve your reasoning skills. Stay tuned for more practice questions and detailed explanations in our upcoming sessions.