Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence: Can AI Replace Human Faculties? - Sleepy Classes IAS Skip to main content

Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Intelligence: Can AI Replace Human Faculties?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a hot topic in the news, often discussed in the context of whether it can replace human faculties. From ChatGPT to various other AI technologies, the debate continues. Let’s delve into this intriguing subject and explore the nuances of AI versus human intelligence.

Key Takeaways

  • AI excels in memory and calculations but lacks moral and ethical judgment.
  • Human intelligence includes intuition and emotional responses, which AI cannot replicate.
  • AI-generated content may not meet specific requirements, such as those of UPSC exams.
  • Human faculties are irreplaceable in certain contexts, especially in education and nuanced decision-making.

The Scope of Artificial Intelligence


Yuval Noah Harari, in his book Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, discusses the limitations of AI. He argues that while AI can store vast amounts of information and perform complex calculations, it lacks the moral and ethical dimensions that are integral to human intelligence. For instance, AI can learn and execute tasks based on goals, but it cannot understand the broader implications of its actions.

The Importance of Intuition and Emotion


Human intelligence is not just about memory and calculations. It also involves intuition, morality, and ethics. For example, when playing a game, a human might experience increased heart rate and sweat due to stress, while a machine remains unaffected. These emotional and intuitive responses are crucial aspects of human intelligence that AI cannot replicate.

Narrow vs. Broad AI


The AI we see today is often referred to as Narrow AI, designed to perform specific tasks. In contrast, Broad AI, as depicted in movies, is still a distant dream. Narrow AI can assist in various tasks but cannot replace the broad spectrum of human faculties.

AI in Education: A Case Study


Recently, I asked ChatGPT to generate some questions for a UPSC exam. The AI created questions about the Chandipura virus, but the answers were not entirely accurate. For instance, it incorrectly stated that the virus is transmitted by mosquitoes, whereas it is actually transmitted by sandflies. This discrepancy highlights the limitations of AI in generating content that meets specific requirements.

The Role of Human Faculties in Education


In the context of UPSC exams, the questions need to be precise and aligned with the exam’s demands. AI-generated questions may not always meet these criteria. Therefore, human faculties are indispensable in creating high-quality educational content. Teachers can intuitively understand what aspects of a topic are important and craft questions that are both relevant and challenging.

Outsourcing vs. In-House Content Creation


Last year, we decided to stop outsourcing our test series and have our faculty create the questions instead. The primary reason was that teachers have a better understanding of what topics are important and can create questions that are more aligned with the exam’s requirements. Outsourcing often led to questions that lacked the necessary depth and intuition.

The Limitations of AI in Nuanced Decision-Making


AI lacks the intuition that human faculties possess. For example, a teacher can predict what kind of questions might appear in an exam based on their experience and intuition. AI, on the other hand, can only generate questions based on the data it has been trained on, missing out on the nuanced understanding that a human can provide.



While AI has made significant strides in various fields, it still cannot replace the broad spectrum of human faculties. From intuition to emotional responses, human intelligence encompasses aspects that AI cannot replicate. Therefore, in contexts like education and nuanced decision-making, human faculties remain irreplaceable.

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